Studio policy

Lessons are given weekly in either 30 minute or 45 minute sessions. 


Contact me for current tuition rates

  • Lesson fees are to be paid at the first lesson of the month. After the first week, there will be a $5 late fee.  Months with 3 or 5 weeks of lessons will be the same price as a 4-week month.  

  • Missed lessons will not be refunded, but I will do my best to reschedule if you contact me in advance. I reserve the time slot for your student whether they come or not.

  • If you call ahead to cancel the lesson and I have an available time slot, I will give every effort to fit you in. If your student is sick, I will make every effort to make up the lesson for them that month. 

  • If for any reason, you decide to stop piano lessons, please give me a 30-day notice so that I can fill that spot in my studio.  

  • If I have to cancel a lesson for any reason, I will either make up the lesson or give a refund or credit.


 Studio recitals

  • I usually give two studio recitals during the year, one in spring and one in fall. 

  • Recitals are an excellent opportunity to show the skills students have learned and be proud of their accomplishments. And this is an opportunity to bring pieces up to performance standards. It also helps students overcome or avoid performance anxiety. 

 Other opportunities

  •  I am a member of the National Federation of Music Clubs, which holds a solo festival each year, they also hold an ensemble festival and a sacred music festival. These are judged for points and if a student receives enough points over several festivals, they will receive a golden cup trophy.

  • I am also a member of the Music Teachers National Association, which runs a program called Achievement in Music(AIM) each year. Students are tested in 5 areas: performance, technique, sight reading, ear training and music theory. They are judged and given points. They can receive medals and certificates for performance.

  •  There is a small additional cost for each of these programs. These are both excellent ways for students to improve their playing and learn how to perform in front of others.


Ideal practice levels:

 Elementary students 2-3 hours per week

Middle school students 3-4 hours per week

High school or adult students 4-5 hours per week

 Practice strategies:

These lessons are much more effective and enjoyable if the students come prepared with all their music, notebook and binder. 

They are also much more effective and enjoyable when the students come to lessons, having practiced well. 

  • This means they have spent the required amount of time practicing.

  • This also means they have prepared the pieces and techniques that are written in their notebook.

  • It is important that the students practice after their lesson on that day. This is when the material and instructions from me are fresh in mind, and it can help the practice for the entire week go better.  

  • Consistency is key. The time will still count if you do it all in one or two days, but the best way to learn is to practice 5 or 6 days a week in 20-30 minute sessions if you are in elementary school, and 30-40 minute sessions if you are in middle school and 45 minutes + if you are in high school.

  • Younger students, up to age 8 or 9 may need a parent to sit with them to keep them on task with the instructions in the notebook. If there are ever any questions about what is written, you can call or text me during the week for clarification.

  • It is fine to break up practice into more than one session in a day.

  •  If there are valid reasons your student won’t be prepared for lessons, please let me know a day ahead so I can prepare for other activities during the lesson.